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Requested translations - cucumis

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Results 16341 - 16360 of about 20569
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English First news, good news!
Cucumis have been online for 3 days, and I'm glad that almost everybody seems to like it!

First of all I want to thank [b]Aleid[/b] from the Netherlands, who has been a great help on improving the english texts and translating the whole website into dutch, with the help of [userid=8].
Secondly, the german team leaded by [userid=10], [userid=22] and [userid=6], has completed the translation of in 3 days. Thanks to all of them! Turkish, greek, spanish, polish and chinese teams are progressing fast too.

One of the problem detected by [userid=10] is the english "you" which can have different meanings. It's corresponding on to the formal and singular "you".
I noticed too a recurrent problem with the punctuation. When a sentence to be translated is not ending with a point, you may not add a point in the corresponding translation. I know all sentences should end with a point but for websites, we need sometime to join texts together, and a point would disturb.

Coming soon :
- Possibility to send personal messages to registered users
- Start discusions on each translation
- A FAQ for the [cid=M410] section

Completed translations
French Première nouvelle, bonne nouvelle!
German Die ersten News - gute Neuigkeiten!
Dutch Het eerste nieuws is goed nieuws!
Catalan Primeres notícies, bones notícies!
Japanese 最初のニュースはいいニュースです
Spanish ¡Primeras noticias, buenas noticias!
Esperanto Unua novaĵo, bona novaĵo!
Turkish Ä°lk haberler, iyi haberler
Russian Первые новости - хорошая весть!
Bulgarian Първите новини, хубави новини!
Romanian Primele veÅŸti, veÅŸti bune!
Arabic أوّل الأخبار, أحسن الأخبار!
Portuguese Primeiras notícias, noticias boas!
Italian Prime notizie, buone notizie!
Albanian Lajmi i parë, lajm i mirë!
Swedish Första nyheterna, goda nyheter!
Source language
English Arts-creation-imagination
Arts / Creation / Imagination

Completed translations
Dutch Kunst/Creatie/Verbeelding
Romanian Artă-creaţie-imaginaţie
Italian Arte-creazione-immaginazione
French Arts-création-imagination
Arabic فنون-إبداع-خيال
Albanian Arte/Krijime/Imagjinate
Spanish Artes - creación - imaginación
German Kunst-Kreation-Phantasie
Japanese 芸術-作成-想像
Portuguese Arte-Criação-Imaginação
Turkish sanat/eser/imgelem
Hebrew אומנות/ יצירה/ דמיון
Swedish Konst-skapande-fantasi
Russian Arts-creation-imagination
Serbian Umetnost / Stvaranje / Mastanje
Hungarian Müvészet / Alkotàs / Elképzelés
Lithuanian Menai / KÅ«ryba / VaizduotÄ—
Catalan Arts-creació-imaginació
Chinese simplified 艺术-创作-想象
Bulgarian Изкуства/Творчество/Въображение
Esperanto Arto-kreado-imagado
Greek Τέχνη-δημιουργία-φαντασία
Polish Sztuka-kreacja artystyczna-twórczość
Danish Kunst / Skabende / Fantasi
Finnish Taiteet-luominen-mielikuvitus
Latin Ars-creatio-imaginatio
English Arts-creativity-imagination
Norwegian Kunst / skapelse / fantasi
Korean 예술-창조력-상상력
Hindi कलाएँ-निर्मिती–कल्पना
Czech Umění-tvořivost-představivost
Persian language هنر-آفرینش-تصویرگری
Slovak Umenie/Tvorivosť/Predstavivosť
Afrikaans Kunste-kreatiwiteit-verbeelding
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